
The Marketing Funnel & Where Video Content Fits In

By July 17, 2017 No Comments


As video content has become more and more popular recently, many companies question where it fits in to their marketing plan and how is it really going to help their company succeed. And with this rise in popularity, it’s equally as important to make sure you’re putting out the right kind of video for each buyer stage. You may be unsure of when to post which kinds of video content, but tune in and listen up because we’re here to help you succeed and make your company stand out from your competitors.

The Awareness Stage

The first stage of the Marketing Funnel, the uppermost section, is when you are trying to draw your potential customers in to discover your company. This is the stage where you need to focus the most on marketing research and marketing campaigns so that you fully understand your target and potential customers. This is also the stage where you are generating leads and collecting as much information as you can to pull your customers into your company, gain their trust, and lead them further down the funnel. (Kinda sounds weird, but trust us.)

During the Awareness Stage, we suggest you introduce your company to the potential customers with a brand film. A brand film is often going to give viewers a first impression of who you are and what’s significant about your company. This stage is about the story, not the sale. Aside from brand films, educational videos and explainer/tutorial videos can be useful during this stage depending on your company and the products or services you’re looking to offer.

The Consideration Stage

The middle of the funnel is extremely important because this is when the potential customers have begun to create their consideration set and compile a list of their needs and requirements. During this stage, these customers will be actively researching different options that meet their needs and thinking about various companies. From the company’s viewpoint, this is where you’ll be hopefully converting the potential leads to prospects and trying to reach out to these prospects multiple times to continue and nurture the relationship that has been created.

Types of content to consider for this stage are email campaigns, targeted content specific to the prospect, product videos describing more in detail the products you want to offer, company culture videos, and testimonials. Don’t worry about trying to hit each and every one of those- now that’s just clingy. People that are bombarded with sales clutter are going to end up being annoyed and looking for some clarity. Be that clarity for them by sending them the message that they are important customers and make it clear to them why they should choose your company.


The Decision Stage

This is the bottom of the funnel, where you need to buckle down and stay focused on these prospects. Don’t let them forget that you’re in their consideration set. These potential customers are on the verge of making the jump towards a company. Often the marketing and sales teams work together to make sure the potential buyer is ready to shake hands and make the decision to invest in your product or service.

For the final stage, we suggest pushing out FAQ videos or demonstration videos to answer any last minute questions the prospect might have before making the decision to buy. Personalized videos for your specific target will make the decision easier for the customers by making them feel like they have an important relationship with the brand. 


Well that’s all for now folks. Now that you can visualize the marketing funnel a bit more, hopefully you’re able to interact more effectively with your target customers. And if you ever need any professional help, we are always here to lend a hand!